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Music Player App Design

During my interactive design class each student created a video to display a theoretical digital album player.  I chose the Black Sabbath album "Paranoid".  I had always liked their visual style; also "Iron Man" and "War Pigs" were two of my favorite songs so I had an excuse to listen to them during class. Knowing that the design needed to have screen transitions and morph, I came up with the idea of using the same circular elements in every screen but have them shift and overlap to create new layouts, this idea was maintained throughout the project.  The UI, on the other hand went through many iterations.  One of the hardest decisions was choosing to eliminate a separate screen for the player and simply include it at the bottom of the app.  This ultimately cut down on the number of screens and improved usability. 

Screen Draft 1
Screen Draft 2
Final Screens
(513) 300-7999
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